FormaHoof Mould Or Application

Welcome to FormaHoof – the innovative and easy-to-use solution for managing and rehabilitating horses’ hooves. Our patented 3D Liquid Fit technology allows you to support your horse’s hoof in a way that traditional hoof care products cannot match.

At FormaHoof, we believe that hoof care should be accessible to everyone – that’s why we’ve designed our hoof care system to simple, intuitive, and repeatable with the support of the FormaHoof Academy. FormaHoof offers a revolutionary solution for horse hoof care, providing peace of mind for horse owners worldwide.

We’ve helped countless horse owners achieve healthier, happier hooves for their horses – and we can help you too. Whether you’re a professional hoof care provider, trainer, a seasoned equestrian, or a first-time horse owner, FormaHoof is the perfect solution for all your hoof care needs.

What Our Customers Say About FormaHoof

Put on my boy’s first set of FormaHoof shoes. The change was immediate! He stepped out beautifully, was completely balanced, and had a light, easy walk and trot. It was simply amazing!
OTTB Hoof Care
E. O'Neal
Thanks to FormaHoof, I can finally start riding my horse again. When I say we’ve tried everything I really mean everything so honestly this feels like a lifesaver for me and my horse!
white line disease horse treatment
S. Hedengren
Well the short story is, I had a lame horse when she showed up and had a mostly sound horse immediately after her FormaHoof application. What an awesome tool!!
Rasp FormaHoof Application
S. Nelson

Getting Started

measure for formahoof

Step 1 - Measure Your Horse's Hoof

To ensure you get the right size and fit, it’s important to measure your horse’s hoof accurately. We have created a comprehensive sizing guide to make this process as easy as possible for you. The guide includes detailed instructions and tips on how to measure your horse’s hoof and select the appropriate Mould size.

By using the sizing guide, you can rest assured that you have the correct Mould size for your horse’s hoof. This will not only make the application process smoother and easier, but also improve the overall effectiveness of FormaHoof.

Visit our sizing guide page now to get started and give your horse the support and care they deserve!

Step 2 - Choose Your Kit

Choosing the right FormaHoof Kit is an important step towards a successful application. We offer discounted bundles that include everything you need. Most of our first-time customers get started with either an the Essentials Kit or the Starter Kit.

Each Kit includes a reusable FormaHoof Mould. One Mould is typically required for both front or both hind feet, and an average size 4.5 Mould needs under two tubes of Advanced Polymer per foot.

The Essentials Kit is great for first-time users or those who need to apply FormaHoof to a few hooves. It has 6 tubes of Advanced Polymer for 3 applications per average size foot. The Starter Kit comes with 12 tubes for 6 applications per average size foot.

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