Why Horse Owners, Riders And Professionals Opt For FormaHoof
FormaHoof provides the best protection and rehabilitation for all equines, for enhanced comfort and superior performance with many users being active barrel racer.
Farrier Bubba Miller and veterinarian Dr. Emily Hood, both based in Texas, are pioneers with FormaHoof in the US. Dr. Hood provides her services to many in the local Barrel Racing community and both provide helpful insights as to why FormaHoof is a great solution for Barrel Horses.
What Barrel Racers and professional FormaHoof Applicators say:
Dr. Emily Hood:
“Since the introduction of FormaHoof into our practice, the majority of cases we see for therapeutic application are barrel horses.
As the 3D application encompasses the entire foot and ‘trains’ the hoof wall for proper alignment, FormaHoof allows horses to comfortably and successfully compete throughout the rehabilitation process.
FormaHoof not only allows us to provide almost instant pain relief, as it allows us to drastically alter angles while protecting the soft tissue structures, but also to simultaneously re-balance the foot for strong, healthy hoof growth and increased structural integrity, further reducing the need for future corrective shoeing.”
Bubba Miller and Dr. Hood work with various clients in the Barrel community and below share details of some handpicked cases which provide insights into why they chose FormaHoof and how the horses have benefited.”
Bubba Miller on Casanova’s case, where Team Work makes the Dream Work
“Casanova is an American Quarter Horse that competes at a very high level of competitive barrel racing … when sound.”
“I was first introduced to him as I watched him compete with Ashton Padon as his rider. At that time, Dr. Hood was applying the FormaHoof application and he improved greatly.
His FormaHoof treatment having ended, Casanova went back to his owner – Ms. Calfee. After some time she reached out to me as Casanova was no longer sound and we put him back in FormaHoof.
Since then, his angles, strides, soundness and attitude have all improved.”

“This is a picture of the first time I treated Casanova in December of 2020 on the left. I can’t remember if he was shoed or barefoot but he wasn’t sound.
The radiograph on the right shows March 2021, after two sets of FormaHoof.
You can see an extreme change in palmar angle, sole depth, his attitude changed for the better and he is sound!”
Further he shares:
“I visited with one of his riders – Jennifer Sharp, a NFR qualifier – and asked her about how she feels competing on a horse in FormaHoof. Jennifer confirmed that she feels very safe and that the horse feels sure footed as he travels in the arena.
As many competitive horses suffer from soundness issues that are derived from poor hoof alignment, FormaHoof is going to be a great choice to get many of these horses back to the arena.
I have seen horses recover from injuries and hoof diseases which, before the application of FormaHoof, it might have been questionable whether the horse would ever return to being a competitive equine athlete.”
James Commander & Texas Ta Fame – Back on track with FormaHoof

Taxas Ta Fame, AKA Tex, is an 8yo AQHA owned by James, an Emergency Room Nurse Practitioner from Oklahoma.
James comments “I purchased ‘Tex’ nearly a year ago from a good friend. He had gotten quite the reputation for being a handful to deal with and was extremely difficult to get a clean qualifier run on or get in the arena.
I noticed that he would ‘ grunt’ in his turns and at first I mistook this for ‘ try and guts’, but little did I know that he was trying to work through the discomfort in his feet.”
“Tex had never taken a lame step on soft soil but was noticeably tender on firm ground. After an ice storm, he bruised his feet terribly and I resorted to pads, icing them, topical hardeners etc.
Dr. Emily Hood led me to FormaHoof and Tex is now on his second application, is exercised at a long trot daily and is sooo sound!
Secondary issues like soreness he always seemed to have on his top line have also resolved. Icing on the cake is that he’s winning / placing with the elite horses now!”
Credit: James Commander
Kelly Jones & Docs Rocket Dog aka Jewels – A FormaHoof fan from the early days
Kelly Jones currently lives in Texas and has been barrel racing for 51 years. She is currently running Docs Rocket Dog, AKA Jewels, a 12 yo registered quarter horse and she tells Jewels’ story:
“I got Jewels in trade as a two year old from my Vet. She has so much talent, but as she got older, her feet started falling apart. She had very thin soles, no hoof wall and low heels and we tried everything to get her feet to grow, to little avail.
She got so bad that she would spend about 90% of her day laying down and my husband and I were thinking we may have to euthanize her.
“Then one day, my local vet, Dr. Thoni called me and asked me to bring Jewels to the clinic as he possibly had the solution.
At that time FormaHoof was not yet available in the United States, but the FormaHoof Team were here on a launch tour, so they travelled to Texas together with Dr. Hood, who applied FormaHoof on Jewels.
I just could not believe that when they were done Jewels walked off sound! It was a MIRACLE! So when I tell people that FormaHoof saved my horse’s life, I mean it!”
Do you need to rebuild your horse’s hoof or want to provide best protection and comfort to your horse?
FormaHoof is the most effective solution to a wide range of hoof problems the equine world faces on a daily basis.
From laminitis, thin soles, low heels, and white line disease, to navicular syndrome, developmental and poor performance issues, FormaHoof offers drug-free pain relief whilst giving stability and support to allow the hoof to regenerate, naturally.
FormaHoof applications can be beneficial as a first-aid measure, a rehab tool or a permanent shoeing solution.
FormaHoof supports faster hoof growth, increases sole depth, adds concavity, supports and protects the hoof, realigns the correct angles of the hoof to promote blood flow and natural hoof growth.
Building up a hoof after an injury or disease can be time consuming and frustrating.
FormaHoof allows horses to grow back into healthy hooves whilst giving the damaged hoof full protection and a clean environment.
Reach Out To Local Experts
Dr Emily Hood – Hood Equine Veterinary Services PLLC
Bubba Miller – Ultimate Farrier Centre
Find them on the FormaHoof Near Me: FormaHoof Certified Applicator Search.