CH Hoof Care - FCA Carissa Haley

FCA Search / All Certified Applicators / CH Hoof Care – FCA Carissa Haley

CH Hoof Care - FCA Carissa Haley
CH Hoof Care is operated by FormaHoof Certified Applicator Carissa Haley. Hi, I’m Carissa and I am so excited to add FormaHoof to my toolbox! Having a FormaHoof application supports the natural hoof function so well, and is a more forgiving application than glue options in my wet environment, is very exciting. My own horse I’ve been struggling to support soft tissue development in his hinds, battling NPA and poor static posture. But with the wedge built into FormaHoof he not only walks off a happy camper, but his posture at rest is so much better! He is also battling some health issues and we’ve been fighting with thrush and gaining little traction. I love that FormaHoof creates a sterile environment for the foot, and I’m hoping it will help tip the scales in our favour. I can’t wait to expand my use of this product and bring such a great tool to my community! Thank you so much for creating such a great tool for us to help horses with! Carissa has completed the FormaHoof Certified Applicator Course where hoof care professionals are assessed to ensure their FormaHoof applications are consistent and meet FormaHoof standards.

If you the submit the enquiry form below, it sends an email directly so that we can look into what will be the best treatment for your horse’s hoof.



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